
6-Logical Agents

Knowledge-based agents

Knowledge base = set of sentences in a formal language

Basic actions:Ask/Tell

  • A knowledge base keeps track of things
  • we can TELL it facts and ASK for inference

At every step:

  • Construct a sentence with assertion about percepts
  • Construct a sentence asking what action is next
  • Construct a sentence asserting that action

Logic in general

Basic concepts

Logics are formal languages for representing information such that conclusions can be drawn

Syntax defines the sentences in the language

Semantics define the “meaning” of sentences, i.e., define truth of a sentence in a world



Entailment means that one thing follows from another: $KB$ |= $\alpha$

Knowledge base KB entails sentence α if and only if where KB is true, α is also true

Entailment is a relationship between sentences (i.e., syntax) that is based on semantics


Logicians typically think in terms of models, which are formally structured worlds with respect to which truth can be evaluated, which means models describe possible worlds.

We say m is a model of a sentence α if α is true in m

$M(α)$ is the set of all models of $α$

$KB$ |= $α$, if and only if $M(KB) \subseteq M(α)$

Logical equivalence

Two sentences are logically equivalent iff true in same models:

$α ≡ β$ if and only if $α$ |= $β$ and $β$ |= $α$

Validity and satisfiability

Validity: it is true in all models

Deduction: $α$ |= $β$ iff $α \Rightarrow β$

Satisfiability: if some model makes it true

Unsatisfiable: if it is true in no models

Inference: Forward chaining & Backward chaining

Horn Form

  • KB conjunction of Horn clauses
  • Horn Clause(at most one literal is Positive)
  • For examples: $(¬ P \bigvee ¬Q\bigvee V)$ is a Horn Clause
  • so is $(¬ P \bigvee ¬ Q)$, but $(¬P \bigvee Q\bigvee V)$ is not
  • Definite Clauses: exactly one literal is positive
  • Horn Clauses can be re-written as implications:
    • proposition symbol(fact) or
    • conjunction of symbols (body or premise) $\Rightarrow$ symbol(head)
    • Examples: $(¬ C \bigvee ¬ B \bigvee A)$ becomes $(C\bigwedge B \Rightarrow A)$, because $(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \equiv (¬ \alpha \bigvee \beta))$

Video about the process of FC and BC



conjunction of disjunctions of literals(clauses)

E.g., $(A ∨ ¬B) ∧ (B ∨ ¬C ∨ ¬D)$

More details about CNF in wiki

Resolution Algorithm

Proof by contradiction, i.e., show $KB ∧ ¬α$ unsatisfiable to prove $KB$ |= $α$ satisfiable

Video about the process of the resolution algorithm